Real-time clinical guidance for mobile health workers

Our aim is to enhance healthcare accessibility for people in rural or remote regions by minimizing the skill gap among health workers, thereby empowering them to deliver high-quality care effectively. We design a virtual medical agent that assists real-time communication and decision making for both patients and the medical staff.

Specifically, the system offers:

  • Seamless communication between patients and the Care Delivery Platform (CDP) for scheduling and confirming with mobile health units.
  • Patient check-in automation to alleviate the administrative workload on staff, onsite or virtual (extending to scheduling and pre-appointment interactions).
  • Guidance for healthcare professionals during patient consultations to ensure more effective, safer examinations, diagnoses, and treatments.
  • Secure health data collection for continuous service improvement and scaling of healthcare services.

Our proposed system facilitates the entire healthcare journey, from a patient's initial engagement with our digital platform to their ongoing treatment and health management. It includes documenting medical histories and symptoms, establishing differential diagnoses, performing clinical assessments, and determining suitable treatment pathways.

A virtual medical agent with advanced capabilities in language processing and generation that enable intuitive dialogues between patients is accessible to initiate a consultation anytime via smartphone. The agent offers features like registering patient incidents, initiating clinical dialogues for assessing condition severity and scheduling appointments with a mobile health unit or a local clinic. It can also provide initial medical guidance to patients pending their in-person consultations. The gathered information is recorded and made accessible to healthcare workers, streamlining the intake process.

The future of rural healthcare is...

  • Care at home, in your neighborhood
  • The clinician comes to you
  • Worry-free, urgent care
  • Clinic on wheels w/CT, imaging
  • Realtime augmented CDS support tools (for mobile clinic clinicians and community healthcare workers)
  • With a phone, 24-365 access to primary care, broadband everywhere

Primary Care Process

Clinical Task Guidance System Diagram

Pregnancy Storyboard

Process Maps

Pregnancy Process Map

Head Injury Process Map

Cancer Process Map

Let's build the future of healthcare together!

We can help you design and ship your own version of augmented clinical decision support.
Contact us to discuss your project.

About GoInvo

GoInvo is a healthcare design company that crafts innovative digital and physical solutions. Our deep expertise in Health IT, Genomics, and Open Source health has delivered results for the National Institutes of Health, Walgreens, Mount Sinai, and Partners Healthcare.

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Katerina Labrou, GoInvo

Katerina is an engineer and designer with a background in computational architecture and augmented reality design. She merges technical expertise and creative vision to change the way we experience and interact with our surroundings and health. Kat joined GoInvo in 2024 with a BS in Architecture and a combined MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT.

Mandy Liu, GoInvo

Mandy is studying Graphic Design and Computation at Rhode Island School of Design. Mandy is designing the next generation of mobile clinics to be an augmented clinical decision support system. Mandy's combination of spatial design, software design, and illustration, is setting the stage for the future of healthcare.

Jonathan Follett, GoInvo

As Principal of GoInvo, Jonathan is responsible for project management and design for select engagements. Jon has fifteen years of experience and has garnered several American Graphic Design Awards. Jon is an internationally published author on user experience and information design with over 25 articles published in UXmatters, Digital Web and A List Apart. His most recent book, Designing for Emerging Technologies, was published by O’Reilly Media.

Juhan Sonin, GoInvo

Juhan Sonin leads GoInvo with expertise in healthcare design and system engineering. He’s spent time at Apple, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), and MITRE. His work has been recognized by the New York Times, BBC, and National Public Radio (NPR) and published in The Journal of Participatory Medicine and The Lancet. He currently lectures on design and engineering at MIT.

Cagri Zaman, Mediate

Dr. Cagri Hakan Zaman is the Director of Virtual Collaboration Research (Mediate Labs) as well as the founder and former director of the MIT Virtual Experience Design Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research is highly interdisciplinary, focusing on developing immersive media tools for engineering and design by studying human spatial experiences in both virtual and physical environments. Dr. Zaman's innovative approach to spatial experience from a story-understanding perspective is showcased in his dissertation titled "Spatial Experience in Humans and Machines." With extensive research experience in embodied intelligence, computational design, and immersive media, Dr. Zaman has conducted research at both the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and the MIT Design Lab (formerly MIT Mobile Experience Lab).

Mollie Williams, Harvard Medical School

Mollie is a visionary and purposeful leader dedicated to advancing health equity and justice. Strategic thinker who gracefully transitions between big picture impact and day-to-day operations. Trusted collaborator and champion of high- performing, inclusive teams. Thought-leader, ambassador, and influencer in local, national, and international conversations about equitable access to compassionate, high-quality care for all.


Massachusetts General Hospital Family Van
John Brownstein and Sarah Scalia, Boston Children's Hospital
Eric Benoit, GoInvo